It’s getting colder, the nights are drawing in, do you just want to stay under your duvet?

So now is the time to ask you - how are you going to keep yourself on top form this winter?

The key to wellness is to integrate small changes into your life to support your body and mind every day. This is especially important during times of stress, uncertainty and of feeling helpless. These feelings surround so many people at the moment, not just you.

Hold on to the knowledge that there are always ways to reduce your stresses, support your body and mind and there is always hope which is a key emotion.

Firstly, have you already or are you getting your car MOT’d this year?

Have you already or are you getting your most precious, one and only 24/7 body MOT’d this year? Yes/No

Secondly, have you cleared out your cupboards or wardrobe ready for winter?

Have you cleared out those recurring unhelpful thoughts or limiting beliefs that get you down or keep holding you back in life? Yes/No

The sad reality is that we often treat our cars and wardrobes better that we treat our body and mind!

My wellness tip this winter is to treat your body and mind as you would your car, don’t drive it too fast, refuel it regularly with the right fuel and give your body regular services so it can give you optimal power.

If you answered No to question 2 and/or 4, then my winter wellness mots are the perfect solution -

Winter Wellness body MOT

A body scan giving you the ultimate insight into how to best support your unique body and receive instant rebalancing support to improve your wellness -

Full body MOT 90 minutes £150

Mini body MOT 45 minutes £75

Winter Wellness mind MOT

Relax, rebalance and release with a wonderful combination of Reflexology, relaxation and gentle emotional release techniques creating calmness, clarity and a renewed energy to positively move forward -

Full mind MOT - 90 minutes £99

Mini mind MOT – 45 minutes £49

All my Wellness MOT’s are fully tailored to your unique needs and you receive effective wellness tools to integrate into your daily life.

Gift vouchers are available which take the stress out of your present buying or receiving! The ultimate gift of relaxation and rebalancing ‘me’ time which everyone wants.

Please get in touch for a complimentary 15 minute chat to discuss your personal wellness needs and how I can best support you.

Stay warm and well this winter!


Photo by Alex on Unsplash


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