
Any advice or treatment provided by Optimal Vitality is complementary. This service and information provided is not used to give medical advice, prescribe, diagnose or treat and is not a replacement for GP services. The information and service provided is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from education, research and science. Multiple sessions are recommended for long term and optimum results to be achieved. You are responsible for your wellness at all times. If you are concerned for any reason, you must contact your GP.

Disclaimer (Bioresonance)

You will not be able to attend a body scanning session if you are pregnant, if you are fitted with a pacemaker or if you have epilepsy.  Multiple sessions are necessary and recommended to obtain trend analysis and optimum results to be achieved. All pre-session and post session requirements for optimal results must be complied with. No services offered here diagnose or treat specific conditions or replace GP advice. If you are concerned, please visit your GP or medical practitioner. The aim of these services is to help balance and support your body to allow it to work at its best.

Disclaimer (EFT)

Optimal Vitality may use a product called Tappy Bear during our wellness sessions. During the sessions Optimal Vitality may refer to Tappy Bear as Flow Bear which is just a personal name given to an original Tappy Bear, it is not nor do we claim that Flow Bear is a new product or that we have any rights over Tappy Bear.  Tappy Bear is a product specifically designed as an EFT toy.  Tappy Bear was created by Pat Carrington and made by Till Schilling.  Optimal Vitality has no connection with Pat Carrington or Till Schilling or the Tappy Bear product in any way apart from its occasional use in our wellness services.  Other teddy bears or toys can be used by children for tapping purposes.

Disclaimer (General – to demonstrate anxious/annoying chatter in our heads)

Optimal Vitality may use a product called ChatBack Chimp during our wellness sessions. During the sessions Optimal Vitality may refer to ChatBack Chimp as Charlie Chimp which is a personal name given to an original ChatBack Chimp, it is not nor do we claim that Charlie Chimp is a new product or that we have any rights over ChatBack Chimp.   ChatBack Chimp is also known as Chatback Roffle Mates Monkey. It is widely available from online retailers in the UK.  Optimal Vitaility use of ChatBack Chimp is not a recommendation or endorsement for the product. Optimal Vitality has no connection with Chatback Roffle Mates in any way apart from its occasional use in our wellness services.  Owning or using a ChatBack Chimp will have no impact on the effectiveness of our wellness services.

Disclaimer (Maternity Reflexology)

It is very important that you see a fully qualified and experienced maternity reflexology specialist such as myself as there are some points that are not permitted to be worked during certain stages of pregnancy. Maternity Reflexology is not recommended if there is a history of premature labour, severe hypertension, placenta previa or recent vaginal bleeding.  If you are receiving fertility treatment, like IVF, you will not be able to have Reflexology whilst taking the drugs as it can interfere with the effects of the fertility drugs but sessions can be given outside of these times to support you.  In all cases, Reflexology does not replace Doctor/Midwifery advice and a consent from your GP/Midwife may be required. If you suspect any problems in your pregnancy it is important to contact your doctor or midwife.