Wishing you calmness, clarity and courage this Christmas

So it’s started! Everyone has their to do list’s as long as their arms. Heads spinning with zillions of thoughts about work, home, family and working out how you are going to get it all sorted in time!

To help you over the next couple of weeks and the festive period, I thought I would share a reassuring thought, plus a couple of tools, that you can use any time to make sure you get the most out of Christmas.

Take the pressure of yourself

Remember that one of the most important thing at Christmas is time together with family and friends, being connected.

When I asked my son what he liked about Christmas, he said “playing Pictionary with Grandad Bob and seeing his hilarious drawings that only he understands!” Whoever you are with, you can create special memories that will never run out of batteries, go out of date or out of fashion. It is important to bank these special moments so they stay with you.

How to bank those special memories

Do this by placing your hand on your heart and the other hand at the back of your head. Think of the memory or what you see and imagine banking it in your heart. 

Move from unwanted stress or overwhelm to calm and clarity

Have one hand with the palm upwards and with the other hand use three fingers to tap gently on the area of your wrist where your watch strap would go.

  • Whilst tapping in that area, breathe in positive feelings you would like to feel like calmness and breathe out negative emotions like stress or overwhelm. Make the exhale longer as this also has a calming effect on the body.

Reduce physical tension in the body

  • Stress headache too?  A quick way to help a headache (and stress) is to gently rub the pad of the thumb with any knuckle from other hand, along with some nice deep breaths with a longer exhale than inhale.

My year of courage, clarity and change

I would like to thank you all for your support this year. I have purposely been courageous this year, which has created a year full of clarity, exciting change and wonderful collaborations - one of the best Christmas gifts I could have asked for.

So, if you want to find courage to create change next year or to finally find ways to connect to yourself, feel calm and maximise the power of each breath, then it would be great to see you at my New Year events detailed here Optimal Vitality events.

Call me on 07966 502611 for details and book now via the link as early bird prices finish on 20th December!

Find the courage to create change and be you booking link

Wishing you all a Christmas of calm, smiles and a celebration of the simple things in life!



The Keys to Wellness - doing the right thing for you and mastering the basics


EFT is mentioned in the NICE PTSD Guideline