Support your body and mind today and every day

Whatever you think about the Coronavirus, it is highlighting powerful truths and interconnection lessons that we all need to reflect upon. These are the main ones I see at the present time -

  • We cannot control the events happening around us or other people’s reactions

  • We can only control our own reaction

  • Our wellness is put under pressure every day by physical, emotional and environmental stresses, some of which we can control, some of which we cannot

  • We need to do daily wellness activities to optimise our wellness which optimises our body’s innate ability to cope with all stresses, including external ones

In addition to the advice of washing hands thoroughly, not touching your face, social distancing and seeking medical guidance if you are concerned in anyway, I wanted to share other ways to instantly increase your wellness and boost your immune system. If someone in your family is already very ill or classed as high risk, then as with any infection, extra precautions would also be necessary -


  1. Get a goodnight’s sleep - If that isn’t always easy, take a nap whenever you can. Sleep is the best recharger for your body so if your body feels tired, let it rest.

  2. Drink water regularly - Hydration is key for all functions of the body, including your immune system. So carry a bottle of water with you, especially if you are out.

  3. Boost your immune system by putting good foods in including fresh fruit, vegetables, and fresh or dried herbs and spices – a quick win is to drink fresh lemon juice and fresh ginger in warm water first thing in the morning - drink through a straw to keep your teeth enamel and dentist happy!

  4. Move around regularly so your lymphatic system (your dustbin) can do it’s waste removal job. Ideally go outdoors, in your garden or anywhere you can breathe in fresh air to get a different view and sensory experience from being indoors.


  • Every negative emotion creates a negative energy and stress in your body, so balance the thoughts of fear or worry, with the logical and reality thoughts – England’s deputy chief medical officer, Dr Jenny Harries said the UK was likely to see “many thousands of people” contract the virus, but that “99% of those will almost certainly get better and most people will have a really quite mild disease and will not need to be in hospital.”

  • Think reassuring thoughts e.g. I am taking the necessary, recommended precautions, I am boosting my body’s wellness every day, I trust my body has what it needs and has the power to easily deal with it, this is temporary and will pass.

  • Breathe!

    • In times of stress our breath can become shallow, so stop regularly to take 3 deep breaths, with a longer exhale which helps to calm the body via your Vagus nerve.

    • Breathe in sunshine (the body loves sunshine, even imaginary sunshine!), breathe in energy, breathe in nature, breathe in the sea, whatever calms you down.

    • If you are feeling concerned or anxious, tap on the inside of your wrist with your fingers where your watch strap goes and breathe in trust (or another positive thought) on the inhale and breathe out worry (or another negative thought) on the longer exhale


  • Reduce the other environmental stresses around you, such turning wi-fi off on your phone then putting it on airplane mode, or ideally having it outside of the room, especially at night when the body wants to rest

Connection & belonging

  • Our body is the most amazing 24/7 vehicle, so thank your immune system for the awesome work it does to keep you safe every day

  • If you are worried, talk to someone and share your concerns – know that you are not alone

  • Support others. If anyone is sick or anxious, show them you care by listening to their concerns or offering to pick up things they may need, which you can leave outside the door

Let’s turn the current situation into a positive lesson and create positive ripples that touches all of us. A positive ripple sharing the importance of prevention wellness and balance, doing small, effective things to look after our body and mind, a positive ripple of connection, support and feeling cared for which are basic human needs every day. The lesson is that we need to be doing these every day, regardless of what is happening around us.

There are always ways to support the body and mind so if you are self-isolating and would like additional online integrated wellness support or would like effective physical and emotional wellness tools for you or your family via online sessions, please do get in touch.

Warmest wishes,


The information in this blog is not a replacement for medical advice. If you are concerned in anyway or have questions, please contact 111.


How full is your emotional support bucket


Happy 2020!